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Here is a list of The First fifty Popes.

Popes 51 through 100 are:

051. Symmachus
052. Hormisdas
053. John I
054. Felix IV
055. Boniface II
056. John II
057. Agapetus II
058. Silverius
059. Vigilius
060. Pelagius I

061. John III
062. Benedict I
063. Pelagius II
064. Gregory I
065. Sabinian
066. Boniface III
067. Boniface IV
068. Adeodatus I
069. Boniface V
070. Honorius I

071. Severinus
072. John IV
073. Theodore I
074. Martin I
075. Eugene I
076. Vitalian
077. Adeodatus II
078. Donus
079. Agatho
080. Leo II

081. Benedict II
082. John V
083. Conon
084. Sergius I
085. John VI
086. John VII
087. Sisinnius
088. Constantine
089. Gregory II
090. Gregory III

091. Zachary
092. Stephen II
093. Paul I
094. Stephen III
095. Adrian I
096. Leo III
097. Stephen IV
098. Paschal I
099. Eugene II
100. Valentine

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